What Is E-Invoicing Registration Grant (ERG)?
The E-Invoicing Registration Grant is a new scheme from IMDA in partnership with ESG to help businesses to digitalize. As businesses look for digital solutions to enable their staff to work remotely this grant will directly assist the business to enable InvoiceNow features on their existing or new solutions, allowing their finance staff to work remotely and create a network effect so all participating businesses can benefit from improved efficiency and reduced cost and be paid in a timely manner.
This grant provides businesses with a one-time payment of $200 per UEN, upon first registration to the E-Invoicing Network on or before 31 December 2020. This grant is applicable for businesses which valid, active and registered in Singapore on or before 25 March 2020. Payment will be disbursed by PayNow Corporate to the registered UEN (without suffix).
Hurry Up To Register for InvoiceNow
Limited to First 50,000 Organisation
on or before 31 December 2020 will automatically receive the $200 payout
via PayNow Corporate.

No application is required for the grant. Participants who qualify will receive the payout automatically provided they have complied with the above and terms and conditions.
How Does InvoiceNow Works for My Business?
All About Nationwide E-Invoicing Initiative:
IMDA implemented the nationwide E-invoicing network in 2019 to help businesses improve efficiency, reduce cost, enjoy faster payment and stay green at them same time. This network is an extension of the International Peppol E-Delivery Network allowing businesses to transact internationally with other linked companies.
The Singapore government will have an additional channel to submit e-invoices via the Nationwide E-invoicing Network. Suppliers are encouraged to submit e-invoices to the Government agencies via this network. The Accountant-General’s Department (AGD) has prepared a guide that explains how you may do so, and the requirements to comply with.