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Carol Kok

Understanding Tax Codes in SQL Account

Tax Codes in Accounting Software

If your company is GST registered or going to then this blog is for you! I’ll help you understand the various tax codes in SQL Account to better equip you how you going to apply it.

When you're GST-registered, you will need to assign a tax code to each and every transaction that you process. The tax codes will tell your accounting system whether or not there is GST in the transaction, what is the tax rate and more importantly how it present later in your GST F5 return.

Tax Codes Used in Sales (Output)

Tax Code SR

For sales of goods and services made in Singapore.

Tax Code ZR

For exporting goods out of Singapore or providing international services that fall within the description of international services under section 21(3) of the GST Act.

Tax Code OS

For sales of goods from a place outside Singapore to another place outside Singapore.

Tax Code DS

You provide gifts and samples (worth more than $200) out to your clients or prospective customers where you will issue a "Tax Certificate" (similar to Tax Invoice) to the recipient to claim as input tax if:

  1. The recipient is GST-registered.

  2. The recipient pays for the GST output tax.

Tax Code ES33

For supplies that are exempt from GST under Regulation 33 including:

  1. Interest income from deposits placed with a bank.

  2. Realised foreign currency exchanged gain loss.

  3. Issue / sales of shares or bonds.

  4. Interest income received from provision of loan.

Kindly refer here for more information.

Tax Code ESN33

For supplies that are exempt from GST and not covered under Regulation 33 including:

  1. Sales and rental of residential properties.

  2. Financial services provider.

Tax Codes Used in Purchases (Input)

Tax Code TX

For purchase of goods and services made in Singapore from GST-registered supplier.

Tax Code NR

For purchase of goods and services made in Singapore from non-GST registered supplier.

Tax Code ZP

For importing goods into Singapore or. No GST is imposed on imported services.

Tax Code IM

For GST on imports that is generally payable to Singapore Customs.

Tax Code OP

For purchase of goods from a place outside Singapore and the goods did not come into Singapore.

Tax Code BL

Regulations 26 and 27 of GST (General) Regulations do not allow GST incurred in the following expenses to be claimed as input tax.

  1. Benefits provided to the family members or relatives of your staff.

  2. Costs and running expenses incurred on motor cars.

  3. Club subscription fees (including transfer fees) charged by sports and recreation clubs.

  4. Medical expenses and accident insurance premiums incurred for your staff unless the insurance or payment of compensation is obligatory under the Work Injury Compensation Act or under any collective agreement within the meaning of the Industrial Relations Act.

  5. Any transaction involving betting, sweepstakes, lotteries, fruit machines or games of chance.

Tax Code EP

Purchases related to residential properties or certain financial services where GST is exempted.

Tax Code TX-ESS

This is used for transactions involving the payment of input tax that is directly attributable to Regulation 33 Exempt Supplies, including:

  1. Interest income from deposits placed with a bank.

  2. Realised foreign currency exchanged gain loss.

  3. Issue / sales of shares or bonds.

  4. Interest income received from provision of loan.

Tax Code TX-N33

This is used for transactions involving the payment of input tax that is directly attribultable to Regulation 33 Exempt Supplies, including:

  1. Sales and rental of residential properties.

  2. Financial services provider.

Tax Code TX-RE

GST incurred that is not directly attributable to the making of taxable or exempt supplies. This includes operation overhead for a development of mixed property (comprised of residential and commercial properties).

Tax Code IGDS

Under Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS), approved GST-registered businesses pay GST on imports payments when their monthly GST returns are due instead of at the point of importation. Businesses under IGDS must file their GST returns on monthly basis.


These tax codes are already setup in your SQL Account, so you can start it straight away. For more information, you may refer to

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